Monday, April 18, 2011

Many Drawers Many Friends

Imagine, if you will, a large dresser with many drawers.  This dresser is over six feet tall and over five feet wide.  Each drawer is about three inches tall and eight inches wide.  When you look at this dresser, you see many drawers all lined up down and across.  Since you are imagining your own dresser, you can imagine it to be any color you want.  .

My dresser, taller than me and wider than my arms can stretch, is sky blue with sparkles.  I call it my Friend Dresser.  You see, each drawer contains the spirit and energy of one of my friends.  In one drawer is my friend Annie.  Annie and I were best friends for over 40 years.  We met in 7th grade, went to middle school and high school together.  We roomed together in college.  She was there for my 1st wedding, the births of all three of my children and is the Godmother of my middle son.  She was there for me through my divorce, my single years and my second marriage (12 years ago this year!)  I keep her in the top center drawer, because Annie died two years ago and I want to keep her memory and the fact that she is now in heaven above me.

One drawer holds my friend Nancy.  I can call Nancy anytime – day or night.  She’s sensible and practical and always tells me the truth.  I can go to her house on the river anytime and sit, relax and always feel at home.  She’s a great cook and we enjoy many wonderful snacks and meals together.

Another drawer is for my friend, Kim.  Kim inspires me.  She is spiritual and positive – always.  I mean it!  She challenges me to be the best I can be.  Time with her is always rewarding and helps me to stay on track.

In one of the side drawers, I keep my friend Kris.  I’ve know Kris for a long, long time and although I don’t see her too often, we communicate with email and cards.  I met her years ago when we worked together in property development at City Center in downtown St. Paul.  From the minute we met, we were certain that we were sisters in another life.  She’s a little big dingy (like me), laughs a lot and genuinely enjoys life.

Over on the other side of the dresser is a drawer containing my wine drinking buddy.  You know, when you just need girl time and a “glass-o” wine. 

In another drawer is a friend that I used to work with – she calls me every once and awhile and we get together to get caught up.  We have kids the same age, and several other things in common.

I have a drawer that holds my laughing friend.  Seriously, all we do when we’re together is laugh.  When I call her, we start laughing right away – she has this gutsy, wonderful laugh that makes you laugh right along with her!

Way up on top is a drawer for a friend I met when I used to work at a bank.  She was a travel vendor.  Again, she and I just clicked and although we haven’t seen each other in years, we stay updated through Christmas letters and emails.  I know if we got together, it would be as fun as ever.

I have a section of drawers that contain my “God Squad” friends.  We attend the Set Apart Christian Women’s Conference together each year, have bible study together at a monthly breakfast, and know that we can trust one another enough to tell our deepest secrets, our greatest joys, and our painful sorrows.

In another section are my friend/family drawers.  I can open these drawers at any time and converse with my mom and my sisters.  We have special friendships that can only exist within the family.  I know that I can call on any of them at any time.

At the very center of my dresser is a drawer that contains the greatest friend of all, Jesus.  I open this drawer often, talk to Him, share my fears, my challenges, my successes and my strengths.  I ask Him to direct me daily and, sometimes, he directs me to open one of my friend drawers, just to check in or to pray for a friend that needs prayer.  

I want you to envision your friend dresser often.  Be thankful for all of the friends in your life.  They inspire you, they make you laugh, they give good advice, they listen, they care, they can be dingy, they can be just like you or very different, they laugh with you and sometimes cry with you.  They are your friends.  And, when creating your Friend Dresser, always put God at the center.  He will help you to be the best friend that you can be.  To Him, to your friends, and to yourself.

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their work:

If one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?

Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Eccl 4:9-12 New International Version
"A friend loves at all times,
And a brother is born for adversity.  
Prov 17:17 New International Version

Come with me and let's journey together...

Every woman's faith journey is different. I hope to share the twists and turns I've experienced in my journey and help women to realize that, although at times we experience pain and confusion in our lives, there really is a map out there, God's Word. If we follow His word, it doesn't assure us that our journey will be any less difficult, but that we can rest in the Peace of knowing that our journey has already been fully mapped out. God knows where we are every moment of the day. He knows our last steps and our next steps. He knows our purpose.

God is our refuge and our strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. so we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Psalm 46:1-2