Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving ~ to acknowledge God’s goodness

For the past couple of days, my daily devotional, Jesus Calling ~ Enjoying Peace in His Presence ~ has been focused on giving thanks.  I’m a great believer in giving thanks for all things, but lately in all the hustle and bustle of my life, I’ve forgotten to do this most simple thing.  

I know that giving thanks is a gift we give to God and that it is the gift that comes back to us in the form of Peace and Joy, a foundation for a strong relationship with our Heavenly Father.  Thankfulness in all circumstances allows God to work through you to help you bear even the most stressful or grief-filled moments.  

Today’s Jesus Calling created such a strong picture in my mind that I wanted to share it with you.  As you go through your day, look for tiny treasures that God has strategically placed along your way.  Yes, our Father goes before us and lovingly plants little pleasures to brighten our day.  If we focus on Him and focus on gratitude, we can “pluck” these little treasures one by one, creating a beautiful bouquet.  And as we lie down to sleep tonight, we can offer that bouquet back up to God with our heartfelt THANKSGIVING.  With our thanks, God gives us peace and joy. 

Just picture it!  As you drive through town, hitting green lights all the way, “pluck” that little treasure and add it to your bouquet.  When you see a beautiful home all decked out for fall and Thanksgiving Day, “pluck” that little treasure and add it to your bouquet.  When the cashier at the busy and chaotic grocery store gives you a special smile and wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving, “pluck” that little treasure and add it to your bouquet.  When your kids give you a hug, when your grandchildren stop to visit, when your daughter calls just to talk, when your husband helps with the laundry and fills your car with gas, when your best friend calls just to say I love you, when you look at the sky, the trees, the falling leaves, “pluck” those little treasures and add them to your bouquet.  And tonight as you lay down to sleep, offer that huge bouquet back up to your Loving Father, saying “Thank you, Lord, Thank You!”  And let his Peace, Joy and Love sing you a lullaby as you drift off to sleep.

Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you.

I come to your altar, Oh Lord, 7 singing a song of thanksgiving and telling of all your miracles.
Psalm 26:7

You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and wine.  8 I will lie down in peace and sleep, for you along, Oh Lord, will keep me safe.
                                                                                                Psalm 4: 7-8

I will thank the Lord for he is just; I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.
                                                                                                                                Psalm 7:17

Monday, July 18, 2011

It's Not the Heat, It's the Humidity

Here's what I've been hearing in Minnesota for the past few weeks – “You can’t do anything in this heat!” “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.” “Oh my gosh, I am SO hot!”  “This heat is oppressive.”  And on it goes.  Of course just a few short weeks before this, we were complaining that summer had yet to start.  We were whining about the rain and the cold.  And, just as the heat began, people were griping about the fact that half the summer was over.  And, yes, I was one of those people.  I complained about the heat, the humidity, the cold, the rain, and the fact that summer is halfway over.

Why oh why can’t we be satisfied with exactly where we are, what we have been given (even the heat!) and how very, very lucky we are.  Why oh why aren’t we counting our blessings.  Where is our gratitude?  

I am continually looking behind, “The weeks are just flying by!”  “Oh, I’ve been so busy.”  Or looking ahead, “We need to do this, get that, change this and change that.”  I know that I need to live in the moment and to savor all that is in front of me right now.   And to be continually thankful for all that God has provided.

He provides the strength and peace we need.  He provides us with our basic needs; food, shelter, clothing, sanitation, education, healthcare.  All we need to do is communicate with Him and be grateful for all He provides.  He even encourages us to ask for more!  And, He knows exactly what we need when we need it.

So, today I will be grateful.  I will reach out to my Father and be thankful for exactly where I am, which is exactly where I am meant to be.  I will be thankful for my husband, my children, my grandchildren.  I will be thankful for my mom, my sisters and their families.  I will be thankful for my talents, the gifts he has given me to carry into the world.  I will be thankful for all of the beauty I see when I look out my window.  I will even be thankful for the heat, the humidity and whatever weather we have coming our way.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonions 5:18

Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:20

 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Collossians 3:15-17

Friday, May 20, 2011


Awhile back, I was at a workshop where we were to identify our values.  After several large group, small group, and individual exercises, I came up with these four values.  

God . . . Family . . . Grace . . . Inspire

God ~ I know that if I put God first, always put Him first, that everything else will fall into place.  Whether the journey I am on at the current point is difficult and challenging or simple and rewarding, when God is at its center, I can be thankful and feel a sense of peace.  God is Present to me when I am present to Him.

Family ~ The old cliché, “Nobody ever laid on their deathbed wishing they had spent more time at the office” is so very true.  Time spent with family is never wasted.  I want my husband, my kids and my grandkids to say that I always had time for them.  That I listened to them.  That I got down on the floor and played with them (well, maybe not my husband…).  . That I read them books, helped them with homework, and allowed myself to be wrong with them.  That I wasn’t afraid to get dirty with them.  That I laughed with them, respected them, and loved them unconditionally.  Second only to God, my value of family has helped to form the person that I am and has helped my husband and my children to know that every moment is a learning experience and that God is guiding our journeys.

Grace ~ My favorite word!
grace  (gr s)n.
1.       Seemingly effortless beauty or charm of movement, form, or proportion.
2.       A characteristic or quality pleasing for its charm or refinement.
3.       A sense of fitness or propriety.
4.       a. A disposition to be generous or helpful; goodwill; b. Mercy; clemency.
5.       A favor rendered by one who need not do so; indulgence.
6.       A temporary immunity or exemption; a reprieve.
7.       a. Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people; b. The state of being protected or sanctified by the favor of God; c. An excellence or power granted by God.
8.       A short prayer of blessing or thanksgiving said before or after a meal.
9.       To honor or favor: You grace our table with your presence.
10.    To give beauty, elegance, or charm to.
11.    Music To embellish with grace notes.

The grace of God is such a gift!  Sometimes, it’s difficult to understand grace.  Think about the definitions I’ve highlighted above.  Isn’t it wonderful when someone renders to us a favor, even when it isn’t necessary?  Doesn’t it define true friendship when someone offers a hand with no agenda and no paybacks needed?  And, God’s grace is so much more than that.  We don’t deserve God’s divine love and protection.  We don’t deserve to be sanctified.  And, excellence and power?  Think about that.  Excellence and Power.  The word grace reminds me to always strive to be grace-filled.  To give of myself freely.  To love people unconditionally.  And to see the excellence and the power, the face of Jesus, in everyone I meet.  

And, finally . . .

Inspire ~ I chose this value carefully.  Inspire isn’t a noun.  I should have chosen “inspiration.”  But, the word inspire inspires me in a couple of ways.  It tells me that when I have God, Family, and Grace, I should spread the good news around.  I should use what I know to inspire others to do the same.  I feel that I’ve been given the gift and the talent of inspiration.  It’s my duty to use my gifts and talents to glorify God.  I like to inspire others to search for, find, and thank God for their gifts and talents.  Then, I want to inspire others to use those talents, not to hide them or run from them.  These gifts from God are meant to be seen by others.  These gifts were meant to please God!

37 Jesus said to him, "`You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.'
38 "This is the first and great commandment.
                                                                                                               Matthew 22:37-38
 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.                                                                                                                                                                                          John 3:16
 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.                                                                                                                                        John 1:14
8Your lives are echoing the Master’s Word . . . The news of your faith in God is out.  We don’t even have to say anything anymore – you’re the message.                                                                                                                                                                        1 Thessalonians 1:8

Monday, May 2, 2011

Be Thankful and Believe

My backyard vista!

I have a beautiful back yard.  There, I said it.  And, really, I’m not bragging.  I live below a beautiful bluff.  We have total privacy.  We have a great deck that gets the morning sun, a hot tub that we use almost every day, and a hillside garden with a rock fountain surrounded by beautiful perennials in every color.  Each time I look out to my back yard vista, I feel so blessed.  I thank God often for giving me such a beautiful space to enjoy.

But the part of my backyard that I most enjoy is my bird sanctuary.  Surrounded by a coppice (I’ll let you look that one up!) of shrubbery, bushes, and perennials, my bird sanctuary is a haven for birds of all kinds.  I’m kind of a freak when it comes to my birds.  I’m constantly standing at my kitchen window and calling to my husband, my boys, or any random guest, “Hurry, come here!  I have a Downy Woodpecker!” or, “Come quick, there’s a Cardinal!”  

This morning, I was treated to a bevy of beauties!  Here, on another gloomy gray day, (will spring ever come?) were birds of all kinds.  The ground was covered in striped brown and gray Sparrows.  Two Downy Woodpeckers, with their cheerful red head patch against brilliant black and white, pecked at the suet feeder.  There were two Ruby Throated Grosbeaks (again that beautiful bright fire-engine red), a few Cardinals, several Purple Finch, a couple of brilliantly yellow Goldfinch, a great big Blue Jay, Chickadees, Nuthatches, and, oh my gosh, could it be?  A Baltimore Oriole!  A couple of bunnies foraged for food and a couple of squirrels jumped from tree to tree.

It’s mornings like this that make me pause and reflect on God’s wonderful gifts to man.  He created all things great and small.  He created this earth and all things in it for our enjoyment.  Can you even imagine it?  And what can we give in return?  Well, the only thing that God asks from us is our faith, our belief in Him, our belief in His Son, Jesus Christ.  He asks us to love – to love Him, to love one another as He loves us.  He asks that we live in His Presence, by being present.  

So instead of complaining about the weather (a common event these days), let us look to what is good and beautiful.  Let us be thankful for everything.  And let us Believe.

30And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. 31 The second is this, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.”                                                                                        Mark 12:30-31

For you have been rooted in him and are being built up and strengthened in the faith, just as you were taught, while you continue to be thankful.                                                
                       Colossians 2:7

In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
                                                                                                                                         1 Thessalonians 5:18

Monday, April 18, 2011

Many Drawers Many Friends

Imagine, if you will, a large dresser with many drawers.  This dresser is over six feet tall and over five feet wide.  Each drawer is about three inches tall and eight inches wide.  When you look at this dresser, you see many drawers all lined up down and across.  Since you are imagining your own dresser, you can imagine it to be any color you want.  .

My dresser, taller than me and wider than my arms can stretch, is sky blue with sparkles.  I call it my Friend Dresser.  You see, each drawer contains the spirit and energy of one of my friends.  In one drawer is my friend Annie.  Annie and I were best friends for over 40 years.  We met in 7th grade, went to middle school and high school together.  We roomed together in college.  She was there for my 1st wedding, the births of all three of my children and is the Godmother of my middle son.  She was there for me through my divorce, my single years and my second marriage (12 years ago this year!)  I keep her in the top center drawer, because Annie died two years ago and I want to keep her memory and the fact that she is now in heaven above me.

One drawer holds my friend Nancy.  I can call Nancy anytime – day or night.  She’s sensible and practical and always tells me the truth.  I can go to her house on the river anytime and sit, relax and always feel at home.  She’s a great cook and we enjoy many wonderful snacks and meals together.

Another drawer is for my friend, Kim.  Kim inspires me.  She is spiritual and positive – always.  I mean it!  She challenges me to be the best I can be.  Time with her is always rewarding and helps me to stay on track.

In one of the side drawers, I keep my friend Kris.  I’ve know Kris for a long, long time and although I don’t see her too often, we communicate with email and cards.  I met her years ago when we worked together in property development at City Center in downtown St. Paul.  From the minute we met, we were certain that we were sisters in another life.  She’s a little big dingy (like me), laughs a lot and genuinely enjoys life.

Over on the other side of the dresser is a drawer containing my wine drinking buddy.  You know, when you just need girl time and a “glass-o” wine. 

In another drawer is a friend that I used to work with – she calls me every once and awhile and we get together to get caught up.  We have kids the same age, and several other things in common.

I have a drawer that holds my laughing friend.  Seriously, all we do when we’re together is laugh.  When I call her, we start laughing right away – she has this gutsy, wonderful laugh that makes you laugh right along with her!

Way up on top is a drawer for a friend I met when I used to work at a bank.  She was a travel vendor.  Again, she and I just clicked and although we haven’t seen each other in years, we stay updated through Christmas letters and emails.  I know if we got together, it would be as fun as ever.

I have a section of drawers that contain my “God Squad” friends.  We attend the Set Apart Christian Women’s Conference together each year, have bible study together at a monthly breakfast, and know that we can trust one another enough to tell our deepest secrets, our greatest joys, and our painful sorrows.

In another section are my friend/family drawers.  I can open these drawers at any time and converse with my mom and my sisters.  We have special friendships that can only exist within the family.  I know that I can call on any of them at any time.

At the very center of my dresser is a drawer that contains the greatest friend of all, Jesus.  I open this drawer often, talk to Him, share my fears, my challenges, my successes and my strengths.  I ask Him to direct me daily and, sometimes, he directs me to open one of my friend drawers, just to check in or to pray for a friend that needs prayer.  

I want you to envision your friend dresser often.  Be thankful for all of the friends in your life.  They inspire you, they make you laugh, they give good advice, they listen, they care, they can be dingy, they can be just like you or very different, they laugh with you and sometimes cry with you.  They are your friends.  And, when creating your Friend Dresser, always put God at the center.  He will help you to be the best friend that you can be.  To Him, to your friends, and to yourself.

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their work:

If one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?

Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Eccl 4:9-12 New International Version
"A friend loves at all times,
And a brother is born for adversity.  
Prov 17:17 New International Version

Monday, March 28, 2011


The other night I had a dream about my dad.  In the dream, my sister and I were walking in what seemed to be a crowded fair.  There were people everywhere, not really pushing and shoving, but definitely in each other’s personal space.  As we walked, we passed by a man who looked somewhat familiar.  In a few short seconds, we looked at each other in surprise.  That familiar face belonged to our dad!  We turned and quickly caught up with him, hugging him with tears streaming down our faces.  “Dad, Dad, Dad,” we cried.  We were so happy to see him again.

I know that a dream is simply a dream.  And, oftentimes, telling someone else your dreams is kind of pointless.  It’s a dream, right?

But, this dream made me yearn for my dad more than ever. 

He passed away on May 12, 2006.  Each of us in the family has dealt with the grief in very different ways.  My mom of course, his soulmate for over 50 years, has had the hardest time.  My sisters and I miss him in very different ways as we all had a different relationship with him.  But our grief is somehow the same as we all remember my dad as the rock of our family.  The one, when we went through various life challenges, who was always there for us, always the calm, cool, wise man who helped us to see the simplicity and real truth in any situation.  He had a wonderful sense of humor and many mornings we woke up to hear him singing a silly song that he could make up for any occasion.  There were days when this wake up call would annoy us – we weren’t all morning people, after all - but in my memory, these mornings symbolized the happiest of times with the happiest of men.

Not only was he a great dad, he was also a wonderful grandpa.  He held a special place in his heart for each of his grandchildren and truly enjoyed the freedom of retirement that offered him quality time to spend with each and every one.  I remember the time he took my two little boys on a camping trip.  The three of them (with the help of my mom) packed the boat with camping equipment, coolers of food and games.  Waving goodbye to grandma, they set off on their adventure.  My dad drove in circles around the lake for over an hour, helping my boys to believe that they were taking a very long trip to an exciting place.  Eventually, he motored to the campground which was only a short distance from their home.  They unpacked, set up their tent, played games, built a campfire and enjoyed an outdoor picnic.  The next morning, they headed for home.  This type of adventure - the creativity, the ability he had to make us believe in great things - that was the hallmark of my dad.

During the past several years of my dad’s life, he attended the Demontriville Jesuit Retreat House in Lake Elmo, MN annually.  This silent retreat began on Thursday night and lasted through Sunday night.  My dad had always been a good Christian man, but during these years, he became deeply close to God.  I’m thankful that he had this time and that he knew exactly where he was going before he passed on.

I picture him now, sitting near Jesus, telling stories, sharing a silly song and a joke.  I see him, walking the streets of gold, whistling and smiling.  I see him welcoming each newcomer to heaven with a generous and loving hug.

We love you, Dad and know that we will be with you again.

 1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”                                              John 14:1-4

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”                                                                                      Revelations 21.3

If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED.
Romans 10:9

Friday, March 18, 2011


How many people can say that their all time most embarrassing moment occurred when they were seven years old?  Their ALL TIME, MOST EMBARASSING moment! 

I was in first grade at Sacred Heart Catholic School in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.  Every day after lunch we were allowed recess time (remember recess time?) to play in the school playground, ride the merry-go-round, swing on the swing set, spin round and round on the spinning gates,  play four square, or walk hand in hand with a friend.

This particular day, I chose the merry-go-round as my playground toy of choice.  Even back then I was a bit of a diva and somewhat bossy with my friends (or so my mother said).  I decided that I would be the queen of the merry-go-round and all my little friends would be my faithful servants (slaves?).  They would be allowed to push the merry-go-round while I sat on my throne in the middle. 

What fun!  I felt so important, perched up on my throne while my friends did all the work.  I ordered them, “Faster!”  “Go Slaves!”  And they followed my orders.  Round and round I went. 

Suddenly I experienced a very uncomfortable feeling.  It seemed that my underwear was getting tighter each time the merry-go-round spun 360 degrees.  I’m sure that my facial expressions changed very quickly from queen of the throne superiority to confused, astonished, worried, and finally frantic as I called out, “STOP!”  I’m not sure how, but it seemed my underwear and the back of my slip had become one with the merry-go-round.  “Go back the other way! I yelled, thinking that perhaps going in reverse would somehow unwind my very twisted under things. 

No such luck.  Each rotation, rather forward or in reverse, only made things tighter and tighter!  Again, I yelled, “STOP!”  “I’m stuck!  Go get help!” I screamed. 

Help came in the form of three prim and proper nuns, dressed in full habits, their uniform of the day.  One of the nuns, the school nurse, climbed aboard the merry-go-round and quietly surveyed the crisis.  After assessing the problem, she headed back into the school and soon returned, armed with a scissors and, oh horrors, a razor!  The other two nuns, hands tucked neatly into their habits, stood by watching the scene with quiet calm and stern looks (or maybe they were just trying very hard not to crack up.)  All of my little slaves stood by as well, whispering and murmuring to one another.

The school nurse climbed back up on the merry-go-round, knelt down and gently and carefully (guarding me from indecent exposure) began to liberate me from the Monster-Go-Round.  Clipping, snipping, and razoring as gently as possible, she worked for what seemed like hours as other nuns and more students looked on.

Eventually, I was free.  I felt a very cool breeze where my underwear used to be.  The back of my slip was completely cut away.  I spent the remainder of the day, holding my uniform dress as close as possible to my body, my face red, my queen-like superiority gone.

Have you ever felt that your life is spinning out of control?  That things are closing in and tightening around you?  That no matter what direction you choose, things just seem to be getting worse?  Do you sometimes place yourself on the queen’s throne even though on the inside you feel more like one of the slaves? 

Just as the school nurse quietly and discreetly freed me from the Monster-Go-Round, God, on a moment by moment basis, can free us from our feelings of being out of control, of being stressed, or of being insecure.  He knows us intimately, and offers us continuous grace.  Put those feelings in His hands. He loves us unconditionally! 

1 Oh Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
 2 You know when I sit down or stand up. 
You know my every thought when far away.  
3You chart the path ahead of me
 and tell me where to stop and rest.  
Every moment you know where I am. 
4 You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.    
5You both precede me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.          Psalm 139:1-4

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Broken Trust

Have you ever been betrayed?  Webster defines betray eight different ways:

  • to deliver or expose to an enemy by treachery or disloyalty: Benedict Arnold betrayed his country.
  • to be unfaithful in guarding, maintaining, or fulfilling: to betray a trust.
  • to disappoint the hopes or expectations of; be disloyal to: to betray one's friends.
  • to reveal or disclose in violation of confidence: to betray a secret.
  • to reveal unconsciously (something one would preferably conceal): Her nervousness betrays her insecurity.
  • to show or exhibit; reveal; disclose: an unfeeling remark that betrays his lack of concern.
  • to deceive, misguide, or corrupt: a young lawyer betrayed by political ambitions into irreparable folly.
  • to seduce and desert.

In my lifetime, I’ve experienced almost all of the different ways that one can be betrayed.  And, I have been the betrayer.  I’ve betrayed trust, I’ve betrayed my friends (sometimes with a simple few words of gossip), I’ve betrayed secrets, I’ve shown lack of concern for some and I’ve deceived and misguided others . . .

Just recently, I was betrayed by someone that I love.  I have struggled with an unforgiving and judging heart because of this betrayal.  I have tried to “fix” the situation, especially in my heart, but cannot seem to come to any real peace over this. 

Until today . . .   This morning, while reading my daily devotional, “Jesus Calling,” I was reminded, once again, that I need to learn to live above my circumstances.  Above my circumstances, I wondered?  As I sat quietly, I realized that what this means is that sometimes we need to get right with God, then take a God’s-eye view of our situation.   I pictured myself, hovering above and objectively and lovingly looking at my betrayer through God’s eyes.

What I realized when I focused on God, not on my hurt, is that God may be using this situation to bring us all closer to Him.  I also realized that it is not my problem to judge, but only to forgive and allow the Father to work through the situation.  Once I’ve forgiven, only then can I be forgiven.  So I asked for forgiveness for my hardened heart and my anger.

Corrie Ten Boom, a Christian woman who survived a Nazi concentration camp during the Holocaust, said, “Forgiveness is to set a prisoner free, and to realize the prisoner was you.”  So, I forgave.  I thanked God for opening my eyes and my heart.  I thanked him (in advance) for bringing this person closer to Him.  And, guess what?  The heaviness in my heart was lifted!  And, I knew that I was forgiven.

Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.                          Luke 6:37 (NIV)

"And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."    Mark 11:25 (NIV)

Friday, March 11, 2011

She Speaks: Fuel for My Faith Journey

I wish that I could share with you the many discombobulated stacks of journals that I’ve been writing in and keeping for most of my life.  I have journals written in spiral notebooks, fancy colorful journals, journals that lay out and format how and what you will write, journals that focus on fitness and health, journals that focus on empowerment, and, I’m ashamed to say, just as my faith journey seems to take so many twists and turns, many of the entries into said journals lack dates.  I often pick up one journal and write in it awhile, then, some weeks later pick up another and write in it.
I wonder what my children will think after I’ve gone as they read some of my first entries written by a first or second grader where I journal about the Christmas gifts I’ve received, “I got new mittens!” “I got a new hat” “I got my first journal!” “I lost a mitten!”  “I found a mitten!”  (It’s obvious that I have no journaling experience as I write one of these brief entries on each day in the journal.)
God has been the constant in this jumble of journals and in my life.  In my journals I thank Him, I praise Him, I cry out to Him.  At times, I trust Him without hesitation.  At other times, I wonder where He has gone.  I find that, when I allow Him, He drives the desires of my heart.  And, in the past many years, He has been sending me a strong and consistent message.
“Bring them to me.”  “Share Your Story.”  “Write Your Book.”  “Plan Your Speech.”  “Bring them to me.”
I’ve started my book, “Faith Journey.”  I’ve written the introduction and outlined my ideas.  I’ve come upon a theme for my book.  But, over the past several years, I can’t seem to get going, really get going, with My Book.  This past weekend and for the past twelve plus years, I have attended Set Apart, a Christian Women’s Conference at Northwestern College in Roseville, MN.  This year, my friend Kim inquired about “My Book.”  She, with all the love and encouragement you can find in a dear friend, pushed me, prodded me, and gave me an idea to get me going.  “Write a blog,” she said, “This will get you writing on a consistent basis and could some day be the makings of your book.  I said I’d think about it.

Then I received the e-newletter from Lysa Terkuerst about the She Speaks Scholarship.  Oh, and you have to have a blog.  Hmmmm.  Okay, I hear you, God.

“Bring them to me.”  “Share Your Story.”  “Write Your Book.”  “Plan Your Speech.”  “Bring them to me.” 

I’m ready to write that book.  I’m ready to plan that presentation.  I’m ready, God.  Choose me.

"For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, . . . everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. . . . Colossians 1:15 (Msg)

Locked Out

I just spent a whole hour standing in my garage and wandering around the outside of my house in the snow and in my pajama bottoms, sweatshirt and vest, and my husband's size 10 Sorrel boots.
I woke up this morning early, really early, 4:30 or so.  As I lay in bed and thought about my day, I asked God to help me with my blog today.  “Put something really good in my mind and heart, Lord,” I prayed, “Something people will relate to and like to read.”  Very shortly, I would learn that our Lord has a wonderful sense of humor.

I got up, read my daily devotion, wrote in my journal, and drank a cup of tea.  Then I realized how very tired I was.  Really?  It was only 5:30 in the morning!  I know some people thrive on this kind of schedule and this kind of morning, but, today I decided to go back to bed.  I slept until 8:30, woke up refreshed, looked outside and saw the sun shining through my bay window.
The view from my bay window is awesome.  I have a bit of a bird sanctuary in my back yard with several different types of feeders, currently sitting empty.  “Well, it’s such a beautiful day, I’m sure my birds would appreciate some fresh food!”  So, I put on a vest over my pjs, slip on my husband’s very large Sorrels, and trot outside to fill the feeders.  That duty complete, I climb rather sluggishly up the stairs (big heavy boots, remember) and “OH NO!” the door is locked.  In fact all of my doors are locked!  And, my cell phone is in the house on the charger.  But, confidently, I say a quick prayer, knowing that this little emergency will be short-lived.

No worries, we always keep a key in a secret place.  I won’t say where just in case there’s a robber out there reading this blog, but suffice it to say, a person needs to get down on her stomach and reach way under something to find this key.  I get the key and hurry (as fast as I can in these big boots) back to the door.  Again, OH NO!  Someone (I’m suspecting one of my college age sons) has put the WRONG key in the secret hiding place.  Another prayer, this one comes out a little bit sarcastic, “Really, Lord, You’re Funny.  Now, come on, let’s get it together and help me get into my house!”

After searching the garage, walking the circumference of the house, checking doors, I realize that I’m really in trouble here.  And I’m cold!  I find a goofy looking hat and a pair of leather gloves in the back of my car (now you can picture how wonderful I looked at this point!) and start praying in earnest.
I think about breaking in, work on the door with a screwdriver from my husband’s toolbox, but no go.  I re-walk the circumference of the house, checking windows, wondering which one, when broken, will be the least expensive to fix.  Back to the deck door.  “Yes,” I think, “This is the one!  I can break one of the little window panes, reach in, unlock the door, and, no problem, call the window guys to fix just that one little pane of glass.  Then, God breaks into my thoughts.  “Check the deck and gazebo again.”  Up I go, looking all around.  All I see are the grill tools.  Hmmmmm.  Maybe I can use the spatula to jimmy the door (you know, just like on TV!  Although I really haven’t seen a robber using a spatula, but you get the picture.)  And, one, two, three, (and one hour later) I’m in!

I thank my very humorous Lord.  “Thank you for making sure that I had on the warm vest.” (Usually I sneak out fast in just my pajamas. “Thank you for the hat and mittens in the back seat.” “Thank you for not letting me panic and worry.” “Thank you for helping me find the break-in device.” “And, finally, Lord, thank you for giving me today’s blog!”
Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass … Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him … Psalm 37:4-7

Come with me and let's journey together...

Every woman's faith journey is different. I hope to share the twists and turns I've experienced in my journey and help women to realize that, although at times we experience pain and confusion in our lives, there really is a map out there, God's Word. If we follow His word, it doesn't assure us that our journey will be any less difficult, but that we can rest in the Peace of knowing that our journey has already been fully mapped out. God knows where we are every moment of the day. He knows our last steps and our next steps. He knows our purpose.

God is our refuge and our strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. so we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Psalm 46:1-2