Friday, March 18, 2011


How many people can say that their all time most embarrassing moment occurred when they were seven years old?  Their ALL TIME, MOST EMBARASSING moment! 

I was in first grade at Sacred Heart Catholic School in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.  Every day after lunch we were allowed recess time (remember recess time?) to play in the school playground, ride the merry-go-round, swing on the swing set, spin round and round on the spinning gates,  play four square, or walk hand in hand with a friend.

This particular day, I chose the merry-go-round as my playground toy of choice.  Even back then I was a bit of a diva and somewhat bossy with my friends (or so my mother said).  I decided that I would be the queen of the merry-go-round and all my little friends would be my faithful servants (slaves?).  They would be allowed to push the merry-go-round while I sat on my throne in the middle. 

What fun!  I felt so important, perched up on my throne while my friends did all the work.  I ordered them, “Faster!”  “Go Slaves!”  And they followed my orders.  Round and round I went. 

Suddenly I experienced a very uncomfortable feeling.  It seemed that my underwear was getting tighter each time the merry-go-round spun 360 degrees.  I’m sure that my facial expressions changed very quickly from queen of the throne superiority to confused, astonished, worried, and finally frantic as I called out, “STOP!”  I’m not sure how, but it seemed my underwear and the back of my slip had become one with the merry-go-round.  “Go back the other way! I yelled, thinking that perhaps going in reverse would somehow unwind my very twisted under things. 

No such luck.  Each rotation, rather forward or in reverse, only made things tighter and tighter!  Again, I yelled, “STOP!”  “I’m stuck!  Go get help!” I screamed. 

Help came in the form of three prim and proper nuns, dressed in full habits, their uniform of the day.  One of the nuns, the school nurse, climbed aboard the merry-go-round and quietly surveyed the crisis.  After assessing the problem, she headed back into the school and soon returned, armed with a scissors and, oh horrors, a razor!  The other two nuns, hands tucked neatly into their habits, stood by watching the scene with quiet calm and stern looks (or maybe they were just trying very hard not to crack up.)  All of my little slaves stood by as well, whispering and murmuring to one another.

The school nurse climbed back up on the merry-go-round, knelt down and gently and carefully (guarding me from indecent exposure) began to liberate me from the Monster-Go-Round.  Clipping, snipping, and razoring as gently as possible, she worked for what seemed like hours as other nuns and more students looked on.

Eventually, I was free.  I felt a very cool breeze where my underwear used to be.  The back of my slip was completely cut away.  I spent the remainder of the day, holding my uniform dress as close as possible to my body, my face red, my queen-like superiority gone.

Have you ever felt that your life is spinning out of control?  That things are closing in and tightening around you?  That no matter what direction you choose, things just seem to be getting worse?  Do you sometimes place yourself on the queen’s throne even though on the inside you feel more like one of the slaves? 

Just as the school nurse quietly and discreetly freed me from the Monster-Go-Round, God, on a moment by moment basis, can free us from our feelings of being out of control, of being stressed, or of being insecure.  He knows us intimately, and offers us continuous grace.  Put those feelings in His hands. He loves us unconditionally! 

1 Oh Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
 2 You know when I sit down or stand up. 
You know my every thought when far away.  
3You chart the path ahead of me
 and tell me where to stop and rest.  
Every moment you know where I am. 
4 You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.    
5You both precede me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.          Psalm 139:1-4

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Come with me and let's journey together...

Every woman's faith journey is different. I hope to share the twists and turns I've experienced in my journey and help women to realize that, although at times we experience pain and confusion in our lives, there really is a map out there, God's Word. If we follow His word, it doesn't assure us that our journey will be any less difficult, but that we can rest in the Peace of knowing that our journey has already been fully mapped out. God knows where we are every moment of the day. He knows our last steps and our next steps. He knows our purpose.

God is our refuge and our strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. so we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Psalm 46:1-2