Friday, March 11, 2011

She Speaks: Fuel for My Faith Journey

I wish that I could share with you the many discombobulated stacks of journals that I’ve been writing in and keeping for most of my life.  I have journals written in spiral notebooks, fancy colorful journals, journals that lay out and format how and what you will write, journals that focus on fitness and health, journals that focus on empowerment, and, I’m ashamed to say, just as my faith journey seems to take so many twists and turns, many of the entries into said journals lack dates.  I often pick up one journal and write in it awhile, then, some weeks later pick up another and write in it.
I wonder what my children will think after I’ve gone as they read some of my first entries written by a first or second grader where I journal about the Christmas gifts I’ve received, “I got new mittens!” “I got a new hat” “I got my first journal!” “I lost a mitten!”  “I found a mitten!”  (It’s obvious that I have no journaling experience as I write one of these brief entries on each day in the journal.)
God has been the constant in this jumble of journals and in my life.  In my journals I thank Him, I praise Him, I cry out to Him.  At times, I trust Him without hesitation.  At other times, I wonder where He has gone.  I find that, when I allow Him, He drives the desires of my heart.  And, in the past many years, He has been sending me a strong and consistent message.
“Bring them to me.”  “Share Your Story.”  “Write Your Book.”  “Plan Your Speech.”  “Bring them to me.”
I’ve started my book, “Faith Journey.”  I’ve written the introduction and outlined my ideas.  I’ve come upon a theme for my book.  But, over the past several years, I can’t seem to get going, really get going, with My Book.  This past weekend and for the past twelve plus years, I have attended Set Apart, a Christian Women’s Conference at Northwestern College in Roseville, MN.  This year, my friend Kim inquired about “My Book.”  She, with all the love and encouragement you can find in a dear friend, pushed me, prodded me, and gave me an idea to get me going.  “Write a blog,” she said, “This will get you writing on a consistent basis and could some day be the makings of your book.  I said I’d think about it.

Then I received the e-newletter from Lysa Terkuerst about the She Speaks Scholarship.  Oh, and you have to have a blog.  Hmmmm.  Okay, I hear you, God.

“Bring them to me.”  “Share Your Story.”  “Write Your Book.”  “Plan Your Speech.”  “Bring them to me.” 

I’m ready to write that book.  I’m ready to plan that presentation.  I’m ready, God.  Choose me.

"For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, . . . everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. . . . Colossians 1:15 (Msg)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Karyl! Thank you for sharing your gifts with your many friends! I can't wait to have a signed copy of "Faith Journey" one day. It will be a book I treasure not only because of the amazing wisdom I'm confident I'll find within the pages, but because it comes from the heart of one of the most wonderful people I've been blessed to know. Thank God for you!



Come with me and let's journey together...

Every woman's faith journey is different. I hope to share the twists and turns I've experienced in my journey and help women to realize that, although at times we experience pain and confusion in our lives, there really is a map out there, God's Word. If we follow His word, it doesn't assure us that our journey will be any less difficult, but that we can rest in the Peace of knowing that our journey has already been fully mapped out. God knows where we are every moment of the day. He knows our last steps and our next steps. He knows our purpose.

God is our refuge and our strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. so we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Psalm 46:1-2